模擬市民 The Sims

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四星黃金會員 #1
《模拟人生3》創造一個世界 工具BETA版發布下載
The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool – BETA*
Create your own worlds for The Sims 3

Putthe power of world creation into your hands!  Create and share uniquenew worlds that you design with The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool –BETA.  Download for free and step into the shoes of The Sims 3development team by using the same tools the team uses to create worldsand towns for The Sims 3.  Design and build entire worlds for yourSims, or begin your creations with pre-made Sunset Valley or Riverviewterrains. Expand your creativity, and share your creations onlinethrough The Sims 3 Exchange.

•Designentire worlds for your Sims, from choosing terrain patterns and roadsto placing lots, vegetation and neighbourhood accents like water towersand lighthouses.

•Start with a blank canvas, or modify the terrains that formed the basis of Sunset Valley or Riverview.

•Foradvanced designers, bring your creativity to life by creating andimporting designs from Photoshop and other graphics programs.

•Expandyour landscape features and building options with The Sims 3 Create aWorld Tool – BETA with The Sims 3 World Adventures expansion pack, oritems from The Sims 3 Store.

•Share your worlds through The Sims 3 Exchange.


注意:  你既SIMS如果有資料片 就要升到2.3.3  咁姐係如果唔係正板GAME既你 就諗下原唔原好啦 因為聽說2.3.3 係有D問題   如下

PackedFile Mods/DCCache/*.dbc

2、然後将所有 C:\My Documents\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\DCCache\ 下所有dbc後綴的文件複制到遊戲安裝文件夾裝自定義MOD的文件夾 Mods/DCCache/ 下(沒有Mods和DCCache兩文件夾請自行新建),這樣就可以在遊戲中使用先前安裝的官方物品了,不過在遊戲中将不會再有綠水晶小圖标注釋了。

3、從我的文檔 C:\My Documents\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\InstalledWorlds\ 處複制 Riverview.world 到原版遊戲安裝目錄 GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds\ 下,這樣就可以在遊戲中玩河景社區了。

[ 本帖最後由 fergus91004298 於 09-12-27 12:18 PM 編輯 ]
四星黃金會員 #2
如果原板 姐係冇安資料片
就要到1.8 VER 先用到
