FEZ 資料心得區

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版主 #1

As we all know, this is a 3D action game, which means typing your status may put you in dangerous.
Then, how to let your teammates notice what are you doing in a quick way without typing?
This is why the Macro is here for F.E.Z~~~(mainly from jp fez wiki)
First of all, how to change the sentences in F1-F5?
It's easy, just push "Y", the form will come out.
And you can start typing some sentences which often use in wars
Ok, it's very important here, lets us learn the basic codes for forming the sentences.
<t>                To display the name which is on your lock(the red/yellow circle)
<tnm>        To display the name which is on your lock
<tar>        To display the clan name of the person who is on your lock         
<tcl>        To display the job of the person who is on your lock
<tco>        To display the Kingdom of the person who is on your lock
<cry>        To display the number of crystal you are carrying
<mcl>        To display your job
<mco>        To display your Kingdom
<mnm>        To display your name
<mar>        To display the name of your clan
<pos>        To display the location of you
<area>        To display the map you are in
<direc>        To be continue...
<pnm>        To be continue...
<clock>        To display the clock in game
<hp>        To display the hp of you
<hpm>        To display the max. amount of hp you have
<pw>        To display the pw of you
<pwm>        To display the max. amount of pw you have
<pwp>        To display the pw of you in %
<msm>        To be continue...
<tsm>        To be continue...

ctrl+up/down can retype the last few sentences
crtl+T         To be continue...
And here is my Marco

Group 1
F1 Hi world, I am <mcl>*<mnm>from<mar>in<mco>
F2 <pos>needs cover, Bows&Mages plz come
F3 <pos>needs backup
F4 My target is <tcl>*<t><pos>
F5 <pos>under attack, need help
Group 2
F1 Crystal Bank@<pos>, now<cry>/50
F2 C.Bank@<pos>, collecting crystal, thank you
F3 C.B.@<pos>, tell me how much you need and for what?
F4 Collecting crystal for OB, <cry>/15
F5 Collecting crystal for AT, <cry>/18
Group 3
F1 <msm>Collecting crystal for express building
F2 I am now building OB/AT@<pos>, plz don't double build
F3 <pos>is in dangerous, level=no. of retype
F4 Enemy <tsm>@<pos>named"<t>",Knights come
F5 ◆◆◆ Enemy Chimera!! <pos> ◆◆◆
Group 4 (this 2groups are for summon)
F1 Here is <msm>@<pos>,PW:<pwp>
F2 Collecting crystal for Knight, <cry>/30
F3 Order received, Knight is coming, now@<pos>
F4 Collecting crystal for Giant, <cry>/30
F5 Giant@<pos>,PW:<pwp> need Knights backup
Group 5
F1 Collecting crystal for Wraith, <cry>/50
F2 Wraith@<pos>,PW:<pwp> need Knights backup
F3 Darking@<pos>, PW:<pwp>, 0%=dark finish
F4 Collecting crystal for Chimera, <cry>/40
F5 Chimera@<pos>,PW:<pwp> need all kinds of backup!!!
八星無敵會員 #2
努力,我諗我唔會停左hk fez 而走去玩 us fez......
六星鑽石會員 #3
一堆英文...睇唔明= =
五星白金會員 #4
以有了-  -
版主 #5
原帖由 利綾 於 10-1-19 06:21 PM 發表
以有了-  -

五星白金會員 #6
原帖由 ww999w 於 10-1-20 06:15 PM 發表


I saw your post in USA forum A____A
五星白金會員 #7
五星白金會員 #8
所以我地打鬼佬係唔會擴既 :em012:
版主 #9
四星黃金會員 #10
五星白金會員 #11
四星黃金會員 #12
出埋英文添呀= =
三星高級會員 #13
英文版 FOR US?
二星初級會員 #14
http://www.2000fun.com/bbs/viewt ... &extra=page%3D1
版主 #15
二星初級會員 #16
六星鑽石會員 #17
樓主要補返轉帖來源 \"/
Gleipnir :P
六星鑽石會員 #18
原帖由 ww999w 於 10-1-18 05:00 PM 發表

As we all know, this is a 3D action gam ...

如果D鬼佬個個都咁Group1 F1個o個.... 會養成洗頻習慣:em014:
三星高級會員 #19
想問樓主篇野係米你自己寫,因為我睇出有5少grammatical mistakes
同埋有D字係外國人個個明既縮寫字你冇將佢縮寫(eg: thank you=TY)
七星元老會員 #20
