2010-4-9 19:44#1
因為見到唔少新手問配點,我係網上搵到d角色指南(attribute guide),希望對大家有幫助。
如果各位仲怕煩既, 讀d中文就夠啦
Where to put your attribute points: (加點法)
Basic Attack Power(基本攻擊): +50. The staple of most Swordmen builds. This increases the damage when you swing your sword. All the damage starts to add up when you use combos often. Unless you're specializing in Grabbing, I have to put points in here.
(主要攻擊之一,三下的攻擊力漸增, 如果等一下中左而你又加好多基本攻擊既話,唔駛諗斬齊3下就得啦)
Grab Attack Power(擒拿[本人不建議]): +50. (If you choose to be grabber) If you're new to the game, I suggest you find out about grabbing before investing many points in this attribute. But it's a good attribute if you plan to be a hybrid Grabber/Combo'er.
(通常d pro友係要用stun grip(冇錯, 係好多忍者都想用果招, 一下一下斬加招擒拿果招, 劍士同法師其實都可以), 攻速起碼有30點先會做到, 所以呢個有多點唔要就加啦)
The next attributes and in what order you want to max them are based on your personal preferences, everyone's build and order differs. I will go into detail about the pros and cons of each and every one of them. (跟住都係次要既)
Movement Speed(移動速度): You'll have quite a bit of problems with Archers and Ninjas in a low player situation as they know when they've been beat, so when encoutering a Swordsman, they will run away. Boosting your Movement Speed obviously gives you a better chance at catching up to them. But, keep in mind, they're also aware of that weakness, so they may as well investing points in Movement Speed, and you'll just end up in square one.
(佢講你加時人地都加, 不過我覺得你行快D捉人DELAY出特攻/3連斬,都好有用, 所以要加, 不過加攻速先)
Attack Speed(攻速): If you plan on dueling or having many low player (or 1 on 1) encounters, this is a solid attribute to put points in. This will lower your delay after your attacks, lowering your chances to be combo'ed back if you miss, or be grabbed. If you plan on rummaging around in Deathmatches and just smashing things, this probably isn't the attribute for you.
(必加, 注意一點, 劍士特攻係可以HIT4既(咩話?我不嬲都HIT2咋?)不過你攻速要有30點, 仲要企岩位先得) 另外, 想學忍者玩stun grip呢個係唔少得
Max Energy(血): Also Hitpoints. Swordsmen are often in the thick battles (due to them being primarily melee) so they do have to take quite a bit of damage. Some characters have greater chance to inflict damage to either Armor or Hitpoints. Ninja's and Blacksmith's will inflict more damage vs Armor, so if you're having more trouble with these two characters. Consider boosting Max Energy.
Max Armor(甲): See Max Energy, except if Archer's and other Swordsmen are giving you trouble, consider this attribute.
(血甲, 唔駛解釋啦。30lv前要有10點甲, 唔係下下俾人秒)
Max Cell Points(召喚點?): This attribute is usually on the backburner, but it's still something to think about. As your creatures level up, so will their cost, and soon enough, you're Panzers will starting costing quite a bith. If the Cell Point bonuses from equipment aren't doing it for you, and you love summoning, this is an attribute to consider.
(真係唔駛加, 除非你d寵高lv到出唔到)
Where not to put your attribute points:(以下係唔建議既)
Distance Attack Power(距離攻擊): Don't use Throwing Knives. If you want style points that bad, you may look cool, but you'll end up with a character that's not fun to play because it can't kill very well.
型就型, 不過殺唔到人
Special Move Attack Power(特攻[本人推薦(強烈)]): Special Attack Power is pretty strong on Swordsmen, but the opportunities at which you can use them are fairly slim, the only real situations are versus newer players and other grabbers. There are better things to max.
我唔同意佢少機會用, 因為真係好多鐵匠弓手係個場度自轉, 一野大招招呼佢地啦
Cell Destruction(召喚獸傷害): Waste of attributes, destroy Cells with your high Basic Attack.
[ 本帖最後由 bbskwok 於 10-4-9 08:44 PM 編輯 ]
2010-4-9 19:45#2
Powerhouse: 全能形(將3種攻擊,不計擒拿,加滿)
This Blacksmith strengthens his strengths, pumping basic attack primarily with a side of armor if desired. By focusing on attributes that you are already very strong in, you will become an enhanced version of your starting self. This is a reliable and consistently effective build that a lot of Blacksmiths will go for. It's main advantage lies in Deathmatch, where a solo Blacksmith can cause very significant damage to anyone he comes across and rack up many more points than some of the alternate builds.
(對手係冇加血甲既話, 鐵匠既攻擊加左4/50點之後都可以打到佢地半死。不過又冇甲又冇血又慢既鐵匠真係好易死,唔建議)
Defensive: (血甲加滿)
By starting with a very high basic attack power, the Defensive Blacksmith pumps armor primarily. This will be one tough fighter to take out, but you will see less kills than the Powerhouse Blacksmith. This is a great build for Golem battles, especially if you enjoy picking up the Golden Sword. With the Golden Sword, you can kill the Golem very quickly with a few well-placed jump attacks, and this build will keep you alive long enough to get there and do it.
(加滿血甲出去引人地攻擊, 製造機會俾自己人出大招。自從有左kick down藥之後呢招完全冇用, 唔建議)
HammerSmasher: (鎚地形,只加特攻)
This Blacksmith build focuses on special attack. If you enjoy the 360 hammer smash, put many points into this attribute and you will see your favorite move become much more powerful. This again is very effective during golem matches, moreso if you prefer to escort the Golden Sword rather than carry it Being able to drop a one-button AOE on the Gold Golem and all of it's attackers, and again on the defensive force when you reach the opposing team's golem is very powerful asset to any team. Especially if no one's attacking you to interupt because you are not glowing gold.
鐵匠既特攻用黎恰法師相當見效, 而且唔似劍士咁樣, 鐵匠果招攻速影響好少, 加特攻同行步速度就夠玩)
Axethrower: (扔斧手,距離攻擊)
The Blacksmith's Axes are one of the strongest ranged damage attacks in the game. Unfortunately however, they are very clumsy and awkward to throw. If you can practice with the Axes and find them flowing smoothly from your grip to hit your targets, then you may consider an Axethrower. This build's main strength is that it is a highly unexpected Blacksmith build. People do not consider a Blacksmith at range a threat, and if the Blacksmith is not close enough to smash them with a hammer, most other classes will be happy to pick a different target. That's when they take an axe to the back of the head and die. Put all of your points in Distance attack power and practice religiously with the arc and distance of the throwing axe. This is a very difficult build to pull off and only recommended for advanced players only.
(通常都會+埋cell destruction一齊玩, 殺巨人放勁寵, 不停loop。當然, 就算點快手都唔建議一個人衝去殺巨人, 因為人地唔係電腦, 唔會眼甘甘睇住你殺自己個巨人)
Gripsmith: (擒拿型)
The Blacksmith's grip attack is a powerful aspect of the character to enhance, if you are skilled with gripping. The Blacksmith's grips are not the strongest in the game, however they are very close. By enhancing those grips, you can take out some classes with two grips, or another Blacksmith with three. This build does not necessarily have a niche, it could potentially be useful in any game mode if the player knows when to grip and when not to grip. However, note that in Golem War, you will have opportunities to grip every time an opposing ninja picks up the Golden Sword, because they will go to your Golem and do their jumping suriken move. With this build, you can take out a golden ninja in two grips if you learn how to predict where they will land. Most ninjas are going to require three jumping attacks to kill their golem, so if you put a Gripsmith on Golem defense, you will have a team that is very strong against ninja golem blitzes. Like the Axethrower, the Gripsmith is recommended for advanced players only.
鐵匠係唯一一個可以擋住行既角色, 所以擋+擒拿比其他人容易, 高手專用
Raij: (怒漢形,滿基本攻擊同攻速)
This is my personal build and one I have found very effective so far. The Raij (pronounced "rage") Blacksmith is very fast in comparison to other Blacksmiths. Every level at least one point goes into Travel Speed and one goes into Attack Speed. The other point is yours to play with, but I suggest alternating between Basic Attack, Armor, and Travel Speed every three levels. Contrary to the Powerhouse, this build focuses on strengthening the Blacksmith's weaknesses, which rounds him out to be a very powerful character since he already has high attack, hp, and armor. Fast travel speed is essential for catching mages, archers, and ninjas (90% of your kills) and fast attack speed is essential for consistently defeating swordsman (it also decreases your delay). This is a very fun build, it puts a lot of pressure on ranged attackers when you run faster than they do, and it makes for a less difficult Blacksmith to play and advance.
鐵匠有d鎚係長d, 如果加滿基本攻擊, 再配合劍士(忍者?)既揮鎚速度, 咁就真係一個一等一既殺手
[ 本帖最後由 bbskwok 於 10-4-9 08:31 PM 編輯 ]
2010-4-9 19:49#3
Melee Archer(混戰弓箭手[拎刀打人])
Yes, there is such a thing, and if you want to do this(I highly discourage it), there are few options.
Option 1
Fast Melee. As a fast melee, you want to put your attribute points into Attack Speed. This has been tested and it will NOT help with long ranged attack, but will definitely increase melee attack speed.
Option 2
Offensive Melee. You want to pump your attributes into two things, Special Attack and Basic Attack. Archers do have strong melee if used in good situations, and as a melee archer you should pump attribute points into these two things.
Long Ranged Archer (遠程弓箭手)
This is the most common archer type, and this is what I recommend. Also, here are few options.
Option 1
Health/Cell Combination Archer. As an archer, you start with 2000 max cell points, which is VERY low compared to other characters. As a Health/Cell combination, you will pump two points to Health and one to Max Cell Points. This will get your character to have enough health to last longer and give you more cell points for summoning.
Option 2
Cell/Cell attack combination. This option is more for later use when you get up to higher levels. When you become higher than level 14, you get to summon taurus, and 20, dragons. If those cells are in your team, you are fine, but most of the time for me, they are not. That's when this comes in handy. As a level 14 or higher, you are able to summon golems and if an higher level, taurus and dragons. If you have pumped one into Max Cell Points every level and two Cell Destruction, you should be able to help out your team and yourself by killing other higher level cells and summoning your own more often.
Option 3
Attack Archer. This option is what I prefer over the first two. First, put ALL of your attributes into Long Range attack, this will increase your bow damage. When you get to higher level, you will be able to see the difference.
You can also mix Options 1 2 and 3 and get your own build.
Also, items are a big factor in builds of character. Rings and Necklaces do come very handy and it will help you. So by having different items you can go with different build also.
上面果抽野真係唔知點翻譯好= ="
一般黎講, 弓手都係距離同步速一齊加, 最後血甲
我冇玩過弓手同忍者, 不過有一點想同大家講:
千祈唔好加攻速, 你唔會拉弓快d。通常d勁人都係估你行既方向再飛支過去等人中
自轉攻擊力雖然好睇(低lv果時), 不過動作好大, 容易俾人偷打
[ 本帖最後由 bbskwok 於 10-4-9 08:43 PM 編輯 ]
2010-4-9 19:53#4
This is an Attribute Guide for the Mage. Mages are typically team players and rely heavily on staying hidden whlie dealing massive amounts of damage to the opposite team utilizing large AOEs and knockdowns. During this guide, we'll cover how each attribute contributes to different styles.
Basic Attack:
- Mages start with the weakest basic attack damage and gain one damage per attribute point spent. This being said, I would not recommend putting any points into basic attack. If you plan on using lots of melee attacks, you may want to switch to a different character type.
Range Attack:
- This is the staple attack type of the Mage. I recommend pumping this to +50. Maxing this will improve your ice projection as well as your ranged fireball attacks. Each point put into this attribute increases your damage by one.
Special Attack:
- Mages start with the lowest ability in Special Attacks. Most of the time, Mages only use their special attack as an anti-focus. I would recommend leaving this attribute at its base value.
Grip Attack:
- Mages have an excellent grip attack. If you can manage to execute grips on people, your mage can deliver incredible blows to unsuspecting opponents. Solo and deathmatch mages will want to max this attribute. Any other style of mage will still want to pump this attribute when they have some spair points.
Cell Destruction:
- The importance of cell destruction is pretty much based on opinion, but personally I prefer to simply run away from enemy pets rather than to waste my time taking them out. Most cells are pretty easily countered with fireballs.
Max Energy and Max Armor:
- For both of these, I would suggest putting spare attributes into them whenever possible. Personally, I find points into energy to be better spent than points into armor.
Attack Speed:
- It has been tested and proven that attack speed has nothing to do with the Mage's projection and ranged attack speeds. I would recommend leaving Attack Speed at its base value.
Move Speed:
- I would recommend putting spare points into this, depending on the kind of attack style you play. At any rate, points into this attribute provide additional defensive ability.
Max Cell Point: Mages have the highest Cell Point advantage. If you tend to be summon heavy, pump this attribute a bit to give you an extra edge. Each attribute point spend in this ability gives you an additonal +240 max cell points.
Team Damager:
For each level, place 2 points into range attack and one point into move speed. Once you have ranged attack maxed, you can start distributing points into health and max cell points.
Solo Attacker:
For each level, distribute your points evenly between grip, ranged attack, and move speed. Additional points can go into pumping health.
Tank Damager:
The concept behind this build is to deal out loads of damage and rely on health and cell summons for defense against attack. For each level, put 2 points into ranged attack and one point into either energy, armor, and the occasional max cell point. Whenever you get focused, drop panzers and kite so that your opponent receives attacks from all of your summons.
Grip Specialist:
For each level, place one point into ranged attack, one point into grip, and one point into move speed. The idea is to spam projection and grip unsuspecting targets. Move speed will enable you to react quicker to oppurtunities.
[ 本帖最後由 bbskwok 於 10-4-9 07:57 PM 編輯 ]
2010-4-9 19:56#5
Where to put your attribute points:
Grab Attack Power: +50. Put 50 into this first. You should be level 17 when this is maxed and you'll be able to kill someone in 2-5 successful grips depending on level and equipment. So, if a level one mage fought a ninja with 50 grip, it would probably only take two grips to kill him but it would take three or four for a level 1 ninja to do the same.
Movement Speed: +50. Max this second. This allows you to do several things: you can get behind the enemy team faster, you can run away faster if you're in a jam, and you can run up to grip opportunities faster.
Attack Speed: +50. Put stats into this after you've maxed grip and movement. This allows you to have less delay when you miss a grab or when you use a right-click long-range shuriken attack on a golem.
Max Cell Points: After you've maxed the other 3, put points into this or eventually you won't be able to summon your nak because he will cost more GP than your max allows.
Where not to put your attribute points:
Basic Attack Power: Why not basic attack power? It takes about 10 full comboes to kill a level 1 mage. Now imagine a level 30 blacksmith. Now imagine reducing your combo amount to kill that level 30 blacksmith by 1 combo with +50 into this.
Distance Attack Power: Why not distance attack power? You only use it to kill the golem and he dies in about 3 direct hits anyway.
Special Move Attack Power: Why not special attack power? Well, I guess this isn't completely useless since it is possible to use a right click special to nail people after they grip someone, but other attributes are simply more important.
Cell Destruction: Why not cell destruction? Ninjas barely have any cell points in the first place, no need for this because it could go into more important stats.
Max Energy: Why not max energy? As a ninja, your job is to dodge, and you need those attribute points in more important things, so you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place (although sometimes it's inevitable)
Max Armor: Why not max armor? Same reason as max energy.
[ 本帖最後由 bbskwok 於 10-4-9 07:57 PM 編輯 ]
2010-4-9 19:59#6
2010-4-9 20:41#7
今日翻譯一半, 遲d再黎過
大家有咩野意見問題可以講低, 我盡力回答, 等更多人一齊做高手
2010-4-10 07:08#8
運動速度(移動速度):你將有相當多的問題和忍者與弓箭手在低球員的情況,因為他們知道什麼時候他們已經打敗,所以當 encoutering一個笑傲江湖,他們會跑掉。提高你的移動速度明顯給你一個更好的機會在追趕他們。但是,要記住,他們也知道這個弱點,所以他們也可以投資點移動速度,你會就這樣結束了在方之一。
(渠講你加時人地都加,不過我覺得你行快Ð捉人DEL鍵鍵唉出特攻/ 3連斬,都好有用,所以要加,不過加攻速先)
攻擊速度的(攻速):如果你計劃在決鬥或有許多低的球員(或1對 1)遇到,這是一個堅實的屬性點,只有把你的延遲,這會降低你的攻擊後,降低您的機會是組合'男女回來,如果你錯過,或抓住。如果你計劃翻找周圍 Deathmatches和公正粉碎的東西,這可能是你不是屬性。
最大細胞點(召喚點?):該屬性通常是在次要地位,但它仍然是思考。當你的動物的水平,因此將他們的成本,很快,你會開始裝甲成本相當 bith。如果該單元格點獎金從設備不為你做,你的愛召喚,這是一個屬性考慮。
[ 本帖最後由 深海乳酪 於 10-4-10 07:10 AM 編輯 ]
2010-4-10 07:09#9
廠房:全能形(將 3種攻擊,不計擒拿,加滿)
鐵匠軸是一個最強的範圍傷害攻擊在遊戲中。然而不幸的是,他們是非常笨拙,尷尬扔。如果你可以練習與軸,看見他們從你的抓地力順利流動,以達到您的目標,那麼你可以考慮 Axethrower。此版本的主要優點是,它是一個高度意想不到的鐵匠建設。人們並不認為在一個鐵匠範圍的威脅,如果沒有足夠接近鐵匠,粉碎他們用錘子,其他大多數類將很樂意選擇一個不同的目標。這時候,他們採取一斧頭到後面的頭部而死。把您所有的遠程攻擊力點和實踐宗教與弧距離投擲斧頭。這是一個非常困難的建設,以拉斷,只建議高級玩家只。
(通常都會破壞細胞 +埋一齊玩,殺巨人放勁寵,不停循環。當然,就算點快手都唔建議一個人衝去殺巨人,因為人地唔係電腦,唔會眼甘甘睇住你殺自己個巨人)
鐵匠的攻擊是一個功能強大的抓地力方面的特點,以提高,如果你是熟練的扣人心弦。鐵匠握把不是最強的遊戲,但他們都非常接近。通過加強這些夾具,可以把一些班級有兩個握把,或另一個鐵匠 3。此版本並不一定有一席之地,它可能是有用的任何遊戲模式,如果玩家知道什麼時候和什麼時候不抓的抓地力。但是請注意,在魔戰爭中,你將有機會把握每一次的對抗忍者拿起黃金劍,因為他們會去你的魔像,做他們的跳躍 suriken動議。有了這個基礎,可以把一兩黃金忍者握把如果你學會如何預測他們將在那裡的土地。大多數忍者將會要求3跳躍攻擊,殺死他們的傀儡,因此,如果你把一個 Gripsmith對魔防禦,你將有一個團隊,這是非常強烈的反對忍者魔攻勢。像Axethrower ,該 Gripsmith建議高級玩家只。
鐵匠系唯一一個可以擋住行既角色,所以擋 +擒拿比其他人容易,高手專用
這是我個人的建設和1我發現非常有效迄今。該 Raij(發音為“憤怒”)鐵匠是非常快,相對於其他鐵匠。每個級別至少有一個點進入行走速度和一進入攻擊速度。另一點是你們一起玩,但我建議交替使用基本攻擊,裝甲,和旅行速度每三個層次。相反的是廠房,此版本的重點是加強對鐵匠的弱點,這輪他出去是一個非常強大的人物,因為他已經具有較高的攻擊,惠普和盔甲。快速移動速度是很重要的追趕法師,弓箭手,和忍者(90%的死亡)和快速的攻擊速度是必不可少的一貫戰勝劍客(這也減少了你的延誤)。這是一個非常有趣的構建,它提出了很多壓力範圍攻擊時的運行速度比他們做的,它使一個鐵匠那麼困難發揮和進步。
2010-4-10 07:10#10
選項 1
選項 2
選項 1
健康/細胞組合阿切爾。作為一個射手,你開始與 2000年最高點的細胞,這是非常低的比其他字符。作為一個健康/細胞的組合,您將泵兩點健康細胞和一個最大點。這將讓你的角色有足夠的健康持續時間更長,給你更多的細胞分召開。
選項 2
細胞 /攻擊細胞結合。這個選項是比較以後使用時你起床到更高的水平。當你成為高於 14級,你要拿出金牛座,20,龍。如果這些細胞在你的團隊,你都很好,但大部分時間對我來說,它們並非如此。這時候,這個就派上用場。作為一個 14級或以上,你可以召喚傀儡,如果一個更高的水平,牛和龍。如果你有抽一分為最高水平,每一個細胞分兩種細胞的破壞,你應該能夠幫助你的團隊和自己殺死細胞和其他上級傳召自己的更頻繁。
選項 3
您還可以混合選項 1和2和3得到您自己的身材。
2010-4-10 07:11#11
這是一個屬性指南的法師。法師通常是球員和球隊下榻很大程度上依賴於處理大量隱藏 whlie損害對面隊利用大型AOEs和knockdowns。在本指南中,我們將討論如何促進各屬性不同風格。
- 法師開始與最弱的基本攻擊傷害和損失,每獲得一個屬性點花。話雖如此,我不會把任何建議點為基本攻擊。如果您計劃使用大量的近戰攻擊,你可能想切換到一個不同的角色類型。
- 這是主食攻擊型的法師。我建議這 50個抽水。麻杏冰這將改善您的投影以及你不等的火球攻擊。每個點投入此屬性增加你的損害之一。
- 法師開始與特殊攻擊能力最低。大多數時候,法師只使用他們的特殊攻擊為反焦點。我會建議在其離開這個基地的價值屬性。
- 法師有一個很好的抓地力攻擊。如果你可以管理執行握把上的人,你的法師可以提供令人難以置信的打擊毫無戒心的對手。單獨和死鬥法師會想最大此屬性。任何其他樣式的法師仍然要泵此屬性時,有一些spair點。
- 細胞破壞的重要性是相當多的意見的基礎上,但我個人更喜歡簡單地逃避敵人的寵物,而不是浪費我的時間帶他們出來。大多數細胞是很容易反駁的火球。
- 對於這兩項,我建議把多餘的屬性到他們只要有可能。就個人而言,我覺得點轉化為能量得到更好的花了點成的鎧甲。
- 它已經過測試,證明,攻擊速度無關,與法師的投影和遠程攻擊速度。我會建議讓攻擊速度在它的基礎價值。
- 我會建議把備用點到這一點,取決於種攻擊方式你玩。無論如何,點到這個屬性提供額外的防禦能力。
最大細胞點:法師有最高的細胞點優勢。如果你往往是沉重的召喚,泵這個屬性有點給你一個額外的優勢。每個屬性點花這種能力給你一個最大細胞產生額外 240點。
隊 Damager:
對於每個級別,地點 2點到1點範圍攻擊和移動速度進入。一旦你有遠程攻擊的淋漓盡致,你可以開始分發點到健康細胞和最高點。
對於每個級別,地點 1點到遠程攻擊,1點到抓地力,1點到移動的速度。這個想法是垃圾郵件的預測和把握不知情的目標。移動速度可以讓你更快地作出反應 oppurtunities 。
2010-4-10 07:12#12
抓斗攻擊力:+50。把50到這一步。你應該 17級,這是淋漓盡致的時候,你就可以殺人於 2-5成功握把根據水平和設備。因此,如果一個法師的水平打了50忍者的抓地力,它可能只需要兩個握把要殺死他,但還需要3或4個 1級忍者這樣做。
基本攻擊力:為什麼不基本的攻擊力?它需要大約 10個正式comboes殺了1級法師。現在想像一個 30級鐵匠。現在,想像你的組合數量減少到殺死那30級鐵匠 1組合成的50本。
遠程攻擊力:為什麼不遠處攻擊力?你只用它來殺魔,他死時約 3直接命中而已。
2010-4-14 16:47#13